Hovering in blue.
I heard from deepness beatings of your eyes.
Halcyons, waves and the eyelids
smashing me of the steep shore.
Hovering in green
From mountains I heard the rustle of your eyes.
The firs, the grass and eyelids
dancing over the world's dark circles
Hovering in grey.
Holding my heart with tree fingers on a rock
and I heard the blinking of your eyes
as well as my throb between
sky and earth.
I dont know if I steped away into blue,
neither if I crushed by green.
My sole of foot was grey
like stone
and wind
and life
and your eyes
when are not blues or green.
translated by Maria Luiza Roibu
Dear Christi,
Congratulations, this is just a quick notice to let you know that your poem Eyelids is one of 48+ select poems being featured on the Poetry home page this week. Poems are rotated each day in groups of 12 to give each poem an equal opportunity to be displayed.
Thanks again and congratulations.
Dr.Ram Mehta
Date: 4/25/2011 8:19:00 AM
Congratulations on your poem being featured this week, Christi
Carol Brown
Date: 4/27/2011 6:06:00 AM
Congratulations on your well deserved poetry being featured this week Christi. Love, Carol
Constance La France ~ A Rambling Poet ~
Date: 5/1/2011 6:18:00 AM
Christi, congratulations on your wonderful poem being featured this week!~~
Se zbăteau, albaştri.
Am auzit aripile ochilor tăi, din adânc.
Pescăruşii, valurile şi pleoapele
mă izbeau de ţărmul abrupt.
Se zbăteau, verzi.
Am auzit foşnetul ochilor tăi, din munţi.
Brazii, iarba şi pleoapele
dansau peste cearcănele lumii.
Se zbăteau, gri.
În trei degete îmi ţineam inima, pe stâncă
şi am auzit clipitul ochilor tăi,
precum pulsul meu dintre
cer şi pământ.
Nu ştiu dacă am plecat mai departe spre albastru,
nici dacă m-am zdrobit de verde.
Talpa mea era gri
ca piatra
şi vântul
şi viaţa
şi ochii tăi,
când nu sunt albaştri sau verzi.